What to do when your baby gets sick image

What to do when your baby gets sick

A sick baby is so hard. There isn't much you can do for children under 1 year old. But there are a few things that can help comfort your little one, and make you feel like you are doing something to help.


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Sooth your teething baby

When your baby is teething, sometimes you can use an ibuprofen to help the swelling of the gums, and that will relieve some of the pain that they are in.  I usually give it only at night, after I have tried the tablets, earlier in the day.  It has helped my daughter sleep through the night, where she wouldn't have because of the teething.  

** Please consult with your physician before administering any over the counter drugs to your child.  MentorMyself will not be held liable.  **

Help fight allergies for your kids

We all hate to see our kids suffer, especially when its something from allergies.  Using an allergy medicine can really help clear up that runny nose, or the sneezing that is caused by extra pollen, grass, or anything else thats out there.  Its always helpful to have this on hand rather than have to rush to the store to get some when your child is miserable.  

** Please consult with your physician before administering any over the counter drugs to your child.  MentorMyself will not be held liable.  **

How to reduce your child's fever

The first thing that you should use if your child has a fever is acetaminophen.  It will help reduce the fever, and help calm the baby and possibly allow your baby to go to sleep - which means that you can get some sleep as well.  

** Please consult with your physician before administering any over the counter drugs to your child.  MentorMyself will not be held liable.  **

Clear a stuffy nose

When babies have stuffy noses or are starting to get a cough, its important to catch the cold before it gets bad.  Adding medicine to your humidifier that is meant for steaming can really make a big difference.  

Get rid of that baby cold - fast!

When my little girl got a cold, everyone told me to get this stuff - its like gold.  I rubbed it on her chest, back, shoulders, and the bottoms of her feet.  I put her in a onesie, and socks, and put her to bed.  It started helping within 15 minutes after putting it on her!  Her runny nose was already improving, and her breathing was already improving.  Now I have a few jars of this in my home, just in case I need it again.

** Please consult with your physician before administering any over the counter drugs to your child.  MentorMyself will not be held liable.  **

The best baby humidifier

When my baby got sick, I tried everything.  The humidifier was really one of the best things we got from our baby shower.  It keeps the air moist, so that her nose didn't get dry, and we were able to put Vicks Vapo Steam in the top, so that there was medicine in the air, helping her get over her cold.  Its easy to use, and refill with water.   

Find out your baby's temperature

Having a few simple thermometers around the house is a really good and safe idea.  That way when you suspect that your baby might have a fever, you can easily grab one and check.  I keep one in the diaper bag, and one on each level of my home.  

Get a No Touch Thermometer

Using a traditional thermometer can sometimes be tricky on a baby who isn't feeling well or fussy.  But using a no-touch thermometer can be the perfect tool.  You just rub it along the baby's forehead and down the side of their face (see instructions) and then it gives you the temperature.  Its that easy.